ChillTech of North Florida

Jan 27, 20222 min

5 Simple Reasons Why Regular AC Maintenance Is Essential

When you live in a place with record-breaking summer temps, AC is a must. There are 6.2 million residents in Miami who can attest to that. Even in the northern part of the Sunshine State, like Jacksonville, AC is a luxury you’d hate to go a hot day without.

Regardless if you live in North or South Florida, you need to pencil air conditioner maintenance on your calendar. Let’s take a look at the 5 benefits of regular AC maintenance.

1. Longer HVAC Lifespan

On average, the lifespan of a new HVAC unit is 15 years. But that time gets cut short the more you use your AC. And if you’re not maintaining your air conditioner, it could fail within 10 years.

In Jacksonville, air conditioning likely runs nine months out of the year. And as a homeowner, you want to get the most out of your HVAC. Having a service maintenance plan for regular checkups and filter replacements is the smart choice.

2. Saves Energy

Regular maintenance of your cooling system keeps the HVAC power efficient. When your AC unit doesn’t function at its peak, it works harder to produce cool air. In turn, this increases your home's AC energy usage.

It’s wise to hire a professional to take care of the technical work, such as:

  • Measuring airflow

  • Monitoring refrigerant levels

  • Inspecting electric terminals

  • Calibrate thermostat controls

But you may be able to handle routine items yourself, like changing the air filter and cleaning AC coils.

If you’re unsure how often your HVAC requires maintenance, ask the professionals. The folks at ChillTech are happy to advise you. They'll even schedule the necessary maintenance or repairs.

3. Lowers Utility Bills

Besides saving energy, AC preventative maintenance can lower your utility bills. It makes sense right? Increased energy use results in higher energy costs. And guess what happens when your thermostat is off by just a few degrees. With inflation heavily impacting energy costs right now (2022), the need to be proactive on savings is even greater.

It doesn’t take much for inefficient energy use to drive up home expenses. Doesn’t a low-cost service maintenance plan sound like a better use of your hard-earned money?

4. Improves Air Quality

Clean like after a Florida rain!

Poor quality air in your home can lead to poor health. According to the EPA, pollutants in the home can be as much as 100 times higher than outdoors.

Regular maintenance helps reduce contaminants trapped in your air ducts. And a functioning cooling system regulates indoor humidity. Unregulated humidity can bring upon mold, bacteria, and viruses that cause chronic illnesses.

5. Fewer Repair Costs

There’s never a good time for needing HVAC repair. And the last thing you want in unbearable heat is to wait at home for a technician. That could be a pretty expensive emergency house call.

When you have regular maintenance intervals HVAC tuneups occur proactively. This keeps minor issues from becoming a major expense.

Schedule Regular Air Conditioner Maintenance

Be prepared to cool down during hot summer days and nights. Don’t let rising energy use and utility bills take you by surprise. Schedule your regular air conditioner maintenance check without delay.
